Ruin Your Christian Witness?

ON MY GOSH, MY LYNN. SHE IS SOMETHING ELSE. HEAR THIS OUT – DONT MISS THE PUNCHLINE ——————————————– Lynn and I were chatting this morning. And I commented to her that a lot of young Christian leaders are telling me they are being told by their peers, or other leaders “Dont post about that controversial…

Come Black Brother! Come Yellow Sister! Come Brown Missionary!

The most ethically and linguistically diverse movement on earth is The Church of Jesus. You read that right. The gospel is often referred to as the “white man’s religion“. I really get tired of the ignorance of history, and the empty din of that phrase. Jesus and his disciples, the Holy Land, were not “whitemen”…

Killed Over A Marriage Speech

Agree or not, at least be informed of what we really say, and did, historically and scripturally as Jesus followers, followers of “The Way”. The profound ignorance among even “church goers” on this subject is an attribute to the great irrelivance of the modern church to guide and inform people of much about anything with…

The Specifics Of Love

“As Saint Francis (Assisi) did not love humanity but men, so he did not love Christianity but Christ.” – Chesterton That is the difference. Some people are hyped up about an idea, an ideology, a faceless problem. Yet the only way to contribute is for you and me to not love the vague, faceless “humanity”…

Rousseau Practiced Serial Child Abandonment

Little known fact. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the French philosopher actually abandoned five children to Orphanages. Isn’t it ironic that the philosopher who wrote one of the more influential books on the nature of the child and education (Emile, or also the title, On Education), would abandon his children in this way. We often have these talks…

Beatrice Stockly A Four Year Hostage Of Al-Qaeda

I prayed for a AQIM hostage today. It will be four years in January, 2020. Beatrice Stockley is the only person on earth to be kidnapped by Al-Qaeda twice.I prayed for God to rise up a writer, to begin, right now, to write Beatrice Stockly’s story. The truth of her ups and downs, her courage,…